Sunday, July 9, 2017

and what does this mean?

Part of a post that is supposedly about me made by someone who thinks that I "have it in for him":

And all the people if you have harmed now we have the proof who so how does the bully like being bullied now put the pants and shirt on and jacket because it’s going to get f****** cold b****

All of the people (if) {I} have harmed
I have "harmed" nobody. Not even you it seems!

now we have proof - who so - how does the bully like being bullied?
What proof? Bullying???? - that is just an accusation that I made you of. and who is the "we"? - you are on your own on all this.
Making up stories about me is ludicrous - unlike what I have told the world about you.

now put the pants and shirt on (and jacket) ----- cold?
What???? Pants, shirt and jacket.........

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